starts by initializing the AVR stack, 1-Wire data line (PB2)and UART before doing a ROM search on the 1-Wire bus.
Most of the program was translated directly from the 68HC11 code, so I didn't have to write much from scratch. The original 68HC11 ROM search
routines took some effort to write; luckily, the
1-Wire software development download page has a Public Domain assembly language example for the Motorola 6805 called
It includes a ROM ID search routine that I converted to 68HC11 assembly language; it's called
in both versions. I didn't do much to optimize the code for either the 68HC11 or the AVR... I just made it work. Optimization - as my calculus books used to say -
left as an exercise for the reader.
This routine extracts one device ID from the bus, and indicates if this is the only device on the bus or if other devices were found. It also
returns a failure if no devices are found.
I used the C code in the Dallas/Maxim
GetROMS calls the
ROM1st routine up to 8 times.
Each time a ROM ID is found the 8 ID bytes are copied to one of 8 locations allocated in RAM for ROM ID storage. The routine then calls
This routine steps through the 8 device ID locations in RAM and converts them to ASCII hex before sending them out the serial port.
Empty locations (where no devices were found) are shown as 00000000.
The 68HC11 ShowROM routine has a bug (or feature) that causes it to list the ROM IDs in reverse order. Since the program puts the IDs codes
onto the ROM bus in the correct order, it's not a big deal. In any case, the AVR version shows the IDs in the order presented in the
Dallas data sheet for the DS18S20.
The program's main loop is pretty simple - it just waits until incoming data causes a UART interrupt. I should probably put the AVR in SLEEP
mode to conserve power; maybe in a later version.
Any character received at the serial port will case an interrupt. The serial I/O interrupt handler first disables all further interrupts,
then parses (in
ParseIn) the incoming character for commands that it recognizes (only R, Tn and Vn, where n is a number from 0 to 7). I used
an interrupt routine to provide a quicker response to incoming data. After the commands have been processed, the interrupts are re-enabled and the
program picks up where it left off.
When a valid command to read the temperature is received by the UART, the program reads the device temperature, then does an extended
temperature calculation before sending the temperature (as ASCII) out the UART. If the V (Verbose) command is received, the program sends the
register contents of the selected device (as ASCII hex) before sending the extended temperature results.
The DS18S20's TempMSB and TempLSB registers only provide a basic temperature reading, limited to +/- 0.5 degrees C.
The DS18x20 has a way of extending the resolution to about +/- 0.1 degrees C (actually, 1/16 C or 0.0625C)
Calculating this extended temperature
accurately in assembly language is harder than it seems. Part of the problem has been the unclear (at
least to me) description in the datasheet.
DS18s20 data sheet gives the equation for calculating the extended temperature:
1) Extended Temperature = Temperature_read - 0.25 + ((count_per_c - Count_remain)/count_per_c)
Temperature_read is calculated by shifting the contents of the TempLSB to the right by 1 (or dividing by two) to eliminate the 0.5C bit. The
values found in the Counts_Remaining and Counts_per_C registers are used to extend the temperature resolution.
In the DS18S20, count_per_c is always 16, (double check this value in the data sheet, just in case it has changed for a new device!)
so this allows us to simplify the equation:
2) Extended Temperature = Temperature_read - 0.25 + ((16 - Count_remain)/16)
Unfortunately the '2313 lacks both a floating point unit and the program space required for an extensive floating point library, so this
equation has to be boiled down into a form that can be easily handled by the instructions available.
First, multiply everything by 16:
3) 16 * Extended Temperature = 16 * Temperature_read - 16 * 0.25 + 16* ((16 - Count_remain)/16)
This simplifies to:
4) 16 * Extended Temperature = 16 * Temperature_read - 4 + 16 - Count_remain
5) 16 * Extended Temperature = 16 * Temperature_read + 12 - Count_remain
In the code, the TempLSB value (as read from the device) is shifted right by 1 to truncate the 0.5C bit then multiplied by 16.
6) 16 * TempLSB + 12 - Count_remain
To get the extended temperature, we would divide this number by 16... and we would end up with a fixed point value. Still no good.
If we multiply step 6 above by 100, then divide by 16, we would end up with a 16 bit integer, which is what we want. Multiplying by 100 and
then dividing by 16 can be simplified to multiplying by 25 and dividing by 4:
7) Extended Temperature = (((16 * TempLSB) + 12 - Count_remain)*25)/4
Converting this 16 bit integer to an ASCII string is straightforward.
(Thanks to Stephan Stadler for pointing out an arithmetic error that was producing incorrect temperature readings, and to Michael Minns for
pointing out a bug that was not always eliminating the 0.5C bit)
We can verify this formula with real register data from a DS18S20:
The first byte above, 0x36 is TempLSB. The decimal value is 54
Count_Remaining is 0x0F, or 15
First, shift TempLSB right by one bit = 0x1B (27 decimal)
Next, plug in the values into the formula:
Extended Temperature
= ((16 * 0x1B + 0x0C -
Extended Temperature
= ((16 * 27 + 12 -
16 *27 = 432
+12 = 444
- 15 = 429
*25 = 10725
/4 = 2681
This is a positive temperature. We put a decimal point between the most
and least significant bytes of the result and we get an extended
temperature of:
This result can be verified by using the Datasheet formula:
27 - 0.25 + ((16-15)/16) = 26.8125, which is close enough to 26.81
for government work; the difference is due to rounding errors when
doing integer arithmetic.
We can run the numbers from the DS18S20 datasheet table 2 to see if we get the same results:
+85.0°C 00AAh
+25.0°C 0032h
+0.5°C 0001h
0°C 0000h
-0.5°C FFFFh
-25.0°C FFCEh
-55.0°C FF92h
If you assume that Count_Remaining is 0x0C (12) the
equation in
step 7
gives us the same results as the table. Note that
for negative temperatures you have to take the 2's complement of the
value. In the code, TempMSB is used to decide if the temperature is
negative. If it is, I take the 2's complement of the TempLSB and
it back to TempLSB. I leave TempMSB
untouched, since it's used several times in the code to determine if
the temperature is negative..
is fixed at 16, the smallest change in temperature that the DS18S20 can
detect is 1/16° C, or 0.0625° C; it's obvious
that the DS18S20 is not accurate to
0.01° C. In reality, it's
probably not
even accurate to 1/16° C. You should round the
returned temperature to
0.1° C
in the host program on the PC.